I have four new moulds to test shortly - when they are dry enough, two more knives and two more forks (thanks mum!), and many of the other issues have been sorted out now which is good.

I've fired the few pieces i have remaining from the first lot of moulds, only one fork, one teaspoon, and several knives - so much to show for seven weeks of work :(, there were many breakages... This was their second firing, up to 1120 degrees (im doing seveal firings and sanding the pieces between firings - no glazing) and all went well. I supported the pieces with alumina just in case, although it was a must for the knife, as the blades slumped even at 900 degrees.
In the same firing i also had my new batch of earrings glazing away. They look pretty fab, but im in need of getting more posts for them...may think about decals :)

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