I have recently realised that I have greatly neglected the world of blogging! Since last time, I've lumbered though writing my Honours thesis, and completed all the accompanying practical work, so as of the 11th of November, I have been totally 100% University free!
At assessment we presented two bodies of work -> the thesis prac. work (the main body of work), and 'Module B', the tangent work to the thesis prac.

'Selection/Collection' (knives and forks); slipcast ceramic; 2010

'Selection/Collection' (spoons) part II; slipcast ceramic; 2010

'Selection/Collection' (spoons) part I; slipcast ceramic; 2010
The GraduArt 2010 exhibition is amazing, and was again shown at both the USQ Arts Gallery and the Toowoomba Regional Art Gallery. Simultainously,
Daniel Qualischefski and I also had some bits and pieces in Artisan's Christmas retail showcase, Cherish 2010, in Brisbane.
I also have my own little space at
in.cube8r gallery in the valley in Brisbane. Its such a great place and concept, you should all check it out - still time for that last minute Christmas shopping! Im glad to say that its a little emptier than in the photo :) almost restocking time!

I also recently had a
short write up done on me by USQ, focusing on the spoons works, and the fantastic fact that as part of Artisan's Cherish 2010 showcase, they were so impressed with my work, that they wanted to utilise it to gift to the directors of Artisan! This was then placed in The Chronicle, and a slightly abbreviated version appeared in Toowoomba's Mail - and all one day after the other!
Good thing that after all this excitement of showing/selling work, and publications, Im off to a little place near Bundaberg for a week!
Cass xo