Thursday, 27 August 2009


these cups ventured out of the kiln a little while ago but i only got around to photographing them today. the markings are 'scribbles' applied with thickened and/or coloured slip to either the outside of the cast while still damp, or the inside of the mould before casting. i was hoping the black was a little blacker but i think black black wouldnt look quite right against the cream of the body. admittedly i used black underglaze powder as a colourant (just for a test) in these instead of black body stain or multi-purpose stain. this gave it a funny blueish hue. i think next ill try a lighter grey, probably with body stain.

should have an unpacked glaze firing by the end of the weekend, so will keep you posted!

Saturday, 22 August 2009

Renee's rings...

The fabulous local Australian jewellery designer Renee Blackwell recently had an offer on her 'stackable rings'. Both my best friend and i recieved one each, and they are absolutely divine! You can wear as many as you can stack on your finger!

Check her out!

Monday, 17 August 2009

cups cups cups

this semester ive reverted back to my experimental ways. to cut it all short i made some plaster moulds of contemporary mass produced cups, and ive been making lots of these incorporating teh lace work from last semester as well as new playful and experimental techniques of surfacew decoration. new ones with charcoal cloloured slip are bisquing as we speak so ill let you know how they go!

Tuesday, 4 August 2009

'Primary Colours' - W.H.S.S arts show/festival

Over the weekend i participated in an Arts fundraiser run by one of the local primary schools in Brisbane. It was a great night with a Visual Arts exhibition + craft arts stalls, international foods and live music and much more. I ran my own stall through the night, and did quite well, even taking into consideration the 25% commission by the school. It was great to see the work of local artists in a supportive fundraising environment, and to see the local community get into it so much! Well done to all!

The Max project Exhibition - USQ

This exhibition was a collection of 'max project's' from second and third year ceramic students in the BVA/BCA. The concept of the maz project is to use minimal clay to fill maximum amount of [wall] space. All but one of the students used slip to accomplish this, either my slip casting, slip-trailing, painting slip directly onto the wall etc etc.

I presented my slip-trailed lacy beakers also with solid form to create a contradiction or paradox. These were presented on three thick shelves (to avoid brackets) protruding out from the wall (short edge to wall). These shelves were quite high, with the far right shelf sitting lower than the other two. On each shelf i presented a row of solid forms alongside a row of slip-trailed forms. The two higher shelves were occupied by the larger beaker size, and the other was filled with the smaller size.

Overall a great versatile and intresting exhibition, although it was somewhat let down by one or two non-responsive/lazy participants who were very late with installing work etc etc. We had an official closing of the show, as opposed to opening, which was last Wednesday, and it was great. Unfortunately i have no pics of this exhibition or event, but ill see what i can do.
