Tuesday, 16 June 2009

almost over!

this semesters work is almost at its end...had my prac assessment yesterday, it went alright, not as good as i was hoping, but still ok - ill get my marks back this afternoon :). now only an essay, a quiz and an assignment left. woohoo!

here are some pics of my assessment...

Sunday, 14 June 2009

shelves & presentation

well im counting down the hours till my assessment now :) 25 hours and 57 minutes... haha.

ive been making my own shelving for this semester...all was going smoothly till i had some issues with the brackets... i was tired and in a hurry when i screwed the brackets on the shelf..and in doing so i put them ALL on the wrong way around...with the long side on the shelf... then when i re-attached them...i put some too far back...so had to again re-do them too!

played around with my stacks too..so now i have everything finalised..as in the stacks, where the shelves are going in teh space and what/how everything is going on each shelf. woohoo. one less thing to stress about!

Friday, 12 June 2009

almost there...

funny how being stressed makes you work more effeciently...kind of. ive tied up a few things today so far...just a few more things to do befor emy assessment on monday at 11:25 am - leaves plently of time to make sure the set up is just right :)

will put up pics!

Thursday, 11 June 2009

ive been playing around with my stacking this afternoon...

one of each

the little ones

the big ones

Wednesday, 10 June 2009

golden at last

finally...after copious amounts of trouble...little yellow cups have emerged from this kiln just this morning :) im so glad! although because of the small amount of colour to start with, they are quite thin in comparicon to the other colours, and also therefore warped a little in the kiln, but they will be ok :)

this yellow...let me tell you...was hard work. the original yellow was not 'golden' enough so i had to add little amounts of manganese dioxide...etc etc...then it was too speckly so had to be ball milled... then, for certian reasons out of my control, they were not fired to the right temperature (so the colour did not intensify enough)...but on their third go they are wonderful, im so glad i finally have them! :)

Sunday, 7 June 2009


this semester for the combined workshop of ceramics/spatial construction ive been working with ideas of the other side of the domestic experience...ie the female crafts side ie crochet/sewing/knitting, and have combined aspects of this into ceramics. these vessles, which clearly cannot hold an aspect of functionality, began through experiments, and mimic the art of crochet/knitting through visual aspects as well as the physical process of making the forms :)


yay picies!

this body of work is about the domestic experience, more exactly mine ad my families, investigates this through the use of the Johnson Brothers main four colours. The yellow is on its way...firing as we speak actually :)

Saturday, 6 June 2009

the invention of gravity

hey guys,
dont forget to check out the exhibition of selected third years from USQ, on at Attic Art Space, today is teh last day to see it...probably shoudl have given you more notice hahaha...

will post photos of my work later today...pinky swear!