so i told you that id fill you in, and that is what im doing. hehehe.
last semesters work was about nothing really, just an investigation ijto matierals, processes, form and groupings. this semster my project work has a much greater conceptual grounding. I have been looking at many things this semster, but the amin one is, my and my families personal experience in relation to the domestic. Its a long story but basically i made some experiments last semester which related to the Tableware products of the manufacturer Jonson Brothers. It turned out that we had much of this kind of stuff at home...and that id been using it constantly for many many years without realising. So this semesters work is an investigation into these ideas...about Johnson Brothers, domesticity, and the idea of how these items become invisible as objects and my 'cycle of meaning and importance': where an item is purchased and loved, and then looses this importance and any meaning that it gained, and is then (too easily) discarded, to be discovered by another who loves and will cherish the item...etc etc.
i am making a wholoe heap of small vessels, in two sizes, all in the four 'johnson colours' ie the pink, blue, green and yellow, all in differing strengths of colour, including white. These will then be displayed in all sorts of varying stacks, on descreet white shelving.
i feel that this work is much more visually and cnceptuall stronger than last semesters. even so, and taking into consideration, the step up from second year to third year, my marsk arent reflecting this, which sucks a little. i really want to be on teh top rung of the ladder, but im not quite there yet. i need to increase my knowledge an interest of my ideas and concern in a broarder contemporary art perspective.
blah blah blah.
i mean, yes, they say that my work and my work ethic etc it realely great, im just still annoyed that it isnt quite to the level that i want it, and i find that i become very frustrated, becuase i know how to get it there, i just hold myself back, with my attitude and stubborness.
that is all.
will put up pics of what ive got so far soon